Junyoung Kang

Exhibition Period | September 17 - October 7, 2015
전시 기간 : 2015년 9월 17일 - 10월 7일
Contact: Exhibition Planning Office 02-6203-2015
전시문의 02 6203 2015
Opening Hours: 10 am to 7 pm (Closed on Sunday, Monday and holiday)
관람시간 오전 10시-저녁 7시 화요일부터 토요일까지 (일요일, 월요일, 공휴일 휴관)
강준영 Junyoung Kang , 김병주 Byungjoo Kim
The two artists of the same age, passion and the same intention point of art are having their exhibition '2GIL' from 17, Sep until 7, Oct, 2015. The exhibition starts with two different 'GIL(Path)'s of two different artists. GIL gives us a lot of different meanings indeed, which is to be the starting point of one standard and independency of the individual. It is a constant attempts of communication with others to walk the path of an artist. 2GIL29 GALLERY will seek its own GIL looking into these expressions of communication through the GILs of two artists.
Junyoung Kang(b1979) majored and graduated in ceramics in Hongik University, unravels his experiences of life and memories as a literary 'story telling'. He encapsulates his autobiographical narratives in his works using mediums such as ceramics, painting, object, and video. The experience, language, and images in his works are reinterpreted as the meaning of expanded territory. Kang's as much of an artist with wide spectra.
Artist Byungjoo Kim(b1979) has consistently worked on creating forms and structures through an overlap of steel lines. He deconstructs buildings, audaciously blurring the boundary between the interior and exterior by connecting them only with lines and dots, not planes. Unlike a common space divided into sections by walls, his structure with a simultaneously visible inside and outside forms a space open to diverse possibilities. The space his series showcase is really paradoxical. The series enables viewers to have ambiguous visual experiences of a mix of two-dimensional illusions and three-dimensional spaces. He presents a deconstructed space that cannot be perceived with logic through his imagination of visually concealed spaces that overlap dot and dot, line and line, and structure and structure. The viewers of his works experience uncertainty over what reality and illusion is and where the viewer gaze faces.
The opening exhibition of 2GIL29 GALLERY '2GIL' presents Kang's representative series of ceramic work 'pray for you' and his series of pots. He possessedly paints on canvas or ceramic with his own hand, not a brush, putting the warmth of his hand into the works to directly express his honest, ardent and passionate emotions towards his missing love. Through this exhibition and Kang's works we will find an opportunity to remind of minor beings in everyday life that are easy to be forgotten.