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10/20      10/23


Asia NOW Paris Art Fair 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟮

Hyeonkyeong You⠀

Exhibition Period : October 20-23, 2022

전시 기간 : 2022년 10월 20일 - 23일

Presenting Artist | Hyeonkyeong You⠀

참여작가 : 유현경

Exhibition location:  Monnaie de Paris
11 Quai de Conti, 75006 Paris

장소:파리, 프랑스 

Contact: Exhibition Planning Office 02-6203-2015 

전시문의 02 6203 2015


Thursday, 20 October
VIP Preview (by invitation only):  2 pm - 8 pm  
Friday, 21 October & Saturday 22 October
VIP Preview:  10 am - 11 am
Public Opening: 11 am - 8 pm
Sunday, 23 October
VIP Preview:  10 am - 11 am
Public Opening: 11 am - 6 pm
For an exhibition by Hyeonkyeong You inquiries please contact
Tel +82 2 6203 2015
Kakao Channel : 2gil29gallery


In October, as known as Paris Art Week, numerous events are happening that can help gauge the flow of contemporary art around the world. Asia NOW, the only art fair in Europe, focusing on Asian contemporary art and introducing it to the world, will be held in Paris, France from October 20th to 23rd. As a geographical location, Paris is a great opportunity for Europeans to face Asian art directly, not like other Europe or Africa. Asia NOW also selects young and experimental works, moreover, introduces them to European collectors and the public among galleries in Asian countries such as Korea, Japan, and China. This year, 2GIL29 GALLERY is participating, as booth number R08 with Hyeonkyeong You, who has just finished her solo exhibition and hopes to meet many art lovers in Europe. If you are visiting Paris, please come and say hi to us at booth R08, look forward to seeing you there! Thank you.

Artist Biography
Hyeonkyeong You(B. 1985), after graduating from Seoul National University for both bachelor’s and master’s degree, was selected as a resident artist in Schloss Plüschow, Germany (2011), Rote Fabrik, Switzerland (2014), and Doosan residency in New York (2016). As one of the 20 2030 Power Leaders selected by Forbes Korea in 2022 and an award winner of the 8th Jonggeun dang Art award in 2019, Hyeonkyeong You is currently living in Berlin building her career. By looking at her artworks, one could tell that her perspective does not end by looking at the object. She especially focuses on the complicated emotions that occur while facing the models and quickly depicts the surroundings, temperature of the room, and outlook of the relationship with her signature brushstrokes. Through this, the artist's fundamental and pure energy was shown in the work by maximizing visual tremor, emotional immersion, and thought, which formed an art world that only Hyeonkyeong You had. Art critic, E Jung Ban described recent works as unfinished-looking brushstrokes, a bold large portion of blank on the canvas, scenes with a lack of stories, and first impressions reminding oriental paintings by large brush works, long titles does not connect to the piece, or exhibition titles are the differences from other typical fine arts. The uniqueness of her artworks is evolving overtime, and is creating her own world of art. She is planning on having an exhibition in Paris in late October.

Asia NOW - Instagram Post 유현경 copy.jpg

Hyeonkyeong You


Hyeonkyeong You (B.1985)

Lives and works in Berlin



2011  MFA, Seoul National University graduate school, painting (completion)

2009  BFA, Seoul National University, painting


Solo Exhibition

2022      <Hyeonkyeong You> 2GIL29 GALLERY, Seoul, Korea

               <Painting, as another method for a meetingCourtesy of HORI Art space, Seoul, Korea

                <Attractiveness> JN Gallery, Seoul, Korea

                <Your transparent and resonant soul> Gallery Mark, Seoul, Korea

2021      <You can go where you want to go> Gallery Yangsan, Yangsan, Korea

                <Nobody Hurt by Painting> itta Space, Incheon, Korea

2020      <Things that the painter can not see> Superior Gallery, Seoul, Korea

2020      <It Was Beautiful Days> Gallery Now, Seoul

2019      <Asia Now Paris 2019> Gallery Artvera’s, Booth B217, Paris, France

2019      <be happy> GALLERY2, Seoul, Korea

2018      <My pain gives you a warm> Gallery Sein, Seoul, Korea

                <New Days> Spacemom Museum of Art, Cheongjoo, Korea

2017      <No place to go 2> Woosuk Gallery, Seoul national university, Seoul, Korea

2016      <No place to go> Doosan Gallery, New York, USA

2012      <Lying> Hakgojae Gallery, Seoul, Korea

2011      <It’s my fault> OCI Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea

2010      <I don’t know well> Gallery LVS, Seoul, Korea

2009      <Painter and model> Hadongchul Scholarship exhibition, Woosuk Hall, Seoul National                              University, Seoul, Korea

                <Sonata of desire> SeMA Seoul Museum of Art supporting program, Insa Art Center, Seoul,  Korea


Group Exhibitions

2022.  <Asia NOW Paris Art Fair 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟮>, Monnaie de Paris,  Paris, France, 2GIL29 GALLERY booth: R08

              <The Birth of Art> Open Studio Art Festa, Hangaram Design Museum Gallery, Seoul, Korea

               <KIAF SEOUL 2022> with Frieze, COEX, Seoul, Korea, 2GIL29 booth: B39

               <Aligning the Stars>, Art Chosun, Seoul, Korea, directed by 2GIL29 GALLERY

               <Art Busan 2022>, Bexco, Busan, Korea, 2GIL29 GALLERY booth: D21

2021     <The 8th Chongkundang Yesulisang> YOU Hyeonkyeong, Yang Yooyun, Lee Je, Sejong Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea

               <In Search of Lost Time> Cian Museum, Yeongcheon, Korea

               <Winter, Summer> Artspace 3, Seoul, Korea

               <Body Language> Saga, Seoul, Korea

               <People who don’t talk are dangerous> Artspace Hue, Paju, Korea

               <AP(Artist Project) 4: MINGLE> Mimesis Art Museum, Paju, Korea

2020     <[Re] Collect: Collection of Female Artists>, Seoul National University Museum of Art, Seoul,  Korea

               <Human> Chung Mun Kye Museum, Ansan, Korea

               <Study for a portrait> Artspace Connection, Seoul, Korea

               <CEDRIC LOLLIA / YOU HYEONKYEONG> Gallery Artvera’s, Geneva, Switzerland

2019     <Slide Speedily But Lightly> Dongsomun, Seoul, Korea

               <Time of Painting> Sejong Center, Seoul, Korea

                <Korean Modern and Contemporary Drawings>, Seoul Olympic Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea

2018      <Figure/Landscape > AMC Lab, Seoul, Korea

                <Portrait of a lady> Opera Gallery, Seoul, Korea

                <Face to face> Soda Museum, Hwasung, Korea

                <Face, hide> Seongnam Arts Center Cube Museum Bandal Gallery, Seongnam, Korea

                <h/er> Ligak Museum of Art, Cheonan, Korea

2017      <PROLOGUE 2017> Makeshop Art Space, Paju, Korea

2016      <Painterly, unpainterly> Gallery Kiche, Seoul, Korea

2015      <Cold fact> Chosun University Museum of Art, Gwangju, Korea

                <Six Senses> OCI Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea

2014      <Spectators> Doosan Gallery, Seoul, Korea

2013      <A Panorama of Figures> Jeonbuk Museum of Art, Wanju, Korea

                <New Visions New Voices 2013> NMMCA National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea, Gwacheon, Korea

2012      <Woman+Body> Kepco Artcenter Gallery, Seoul, Korea

2011      <A Brushstroke> Hakgojae Gallery, Seoul, Korea

2010      <Hue & Deep> Woosuk Hall, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea

                <Wild thinking> Artzio Gallery, Seoul, Korea

                <Intuition> Hakgojae Gallery, Seoul, Korea

                <Ilhyun Travel Grant Recipients> Ilhyun Museum, Gangnam Eulji Hospital, Seoul, Korea

                <SeogyoSixty 2010: The Imaginary Archive-gaze of 120> Gallery Sangsangmadang, Seoul,  Korea

2009      <Eastern evils> Doosan gallery, Seoul, Korea

                <Ilhyun Travel Grant, Student artist supporting program> Ilhyun Museum, Yangyang, Korea

                <[ ! ] Exclamation, Eastern evils Region rounding exhibition> Kaywon School of Art & Design Gallery 27, Uiwang, Korea

                <Principle of having affairs run by a select few> Gallery Young, Seoul, Korea

                <Excellent Graduation Exhibition> Dongduk Art Gallery, Seoul, Korea

2008      <Slipped colors> Shinhan Gallery, Seoul, Korea


Residency Program

2018      Makeshop art space, Paju/Korea

2016      Doosan residency, New York/USA

2014      Rote Fabrik, Zürich/Switzerland

2011      Schloss Plüschow, Plüschow/Germany


Hyeonkyeong You 골목에서  In The Alley, 2022, Oil on canvas, 112 x161.5cm

유현경 (B.1985) 



2011    서울대학교 대학원 서양화과 석사과정 수료

2009    서울대학교 미술대학 서양화과 졸업


2022    <유현경 그림> 이길이구 갤러리, 서울

             <그림, 만나는 방법 하나> 호리아트스페이스, 서울

             <Attractiveness> 제이엔 갤러리, 서울

             <너의 맑음과 향기> 갤러리 마크, 서울 

2021    <어디든 갈 수 있지> 갤러리 양산, 양산

             <그림은 아무도 해치지 않는다> 잇다 스페이스 갤러리, 인천

2020    <화가가 보지 못한 것> 슈페리어 갤러리, 서울

             <호우시절> 갤러리 나우, 서울

2019    <AISA NOW Paris 2019> 파리, 프랑스

             <기분이 좋지 않아> 갤러리2, 서울

2018    <저의 비극이 당신에게 위로를> 갤러리 세인, 서울 

             <행복할 일만 남았어요> 스페이스몸 미술관, 청주 

2017    <갈 곳 없어요 2> 서울대학교 우석 갤러리, 서울

2016    <갈 곳 없어요> 두산 갤러리, 뉴욕, 미국

2012    <거짓말을 하고 있어> 학고재 갤러리, 서울

2011    <잘못했어요> OCI미술관, 서울

2010    <나는 잘 모르겠어요> 갤러리LVS, 서울

2009    <화가와 모델> 하동철 장학금 지원 전시, 서울대학교 우석홀, 서울

             <욕망의 소나타> SeMA 서울시립미술관 신진작가 지원 전시, 인사아트센터, 서울


2022    <아시아 나우 2022>  파리 조폐국, 파리. 이길이구 부스: R08

             <그림의 탄생> 오픈스튜디오 아트페스타, 예술의 전당 한가람 미술관, 서울

             <키아프 서울 2022> with 프리즈, 코엑스, 서울. 이길이구 부스: B39

             <별 여름 밤 여름 별>, 아트조선스페이스, 서울

             <아트 부산 2022>, 벡스코, 부산

2021    <제 8회 종근당 예술지상> 유현경, 양유연, 이제 3인전, 세종문화회관 미술관, 서울

             <잃어버린 시간을 찾아서> 시안 미술관, 영천

             <겨울, 여름> 유현경, 이진한 2인전, 아트스페이스 3, 서울

             <바디랭귀지> 사가, 서울

             <떠들지 않는 사람은 위험하다> 유현경, 박필교 2인전, 아트스페이스 휴, 파주

             <AP(Artist Project) 4: 혼재> 미메시스아트뮤지엄, 파주 

2020    <[Re] Collect: 여성 작가 소장품전, 서울대 미술관, 서울 

             <인간전 3부, 상처와 치유> 정문규 미술관, 안산

             <초상을 위한 습작> 유현경, 이재헌, 장규돈 3인전, 갤러리 연줄, 서울

             <CEDRIC LOLLIA / YOU HYEONKYEONG> 2인전, 갤러리 ARTVERA’S, 제네바, 스위스

2019    <가볍고 빠르게 미끄러지기> 동소문, 서울

             <WELCOMM ART FIRST OPEN> 웰콤 시티, 서울

             <회화의 시간> 종근당 예술지상 역대 선정작가 전시, 세종문화회관 미술관, 서울

             <한국 근현대 드로잉> 소마미술관, 서울

2018    <인물, 풍경> 전병구, 유현경 2인전, AMC lab, 서울

             <Portrait of a lady> 오페라 갤러리, 서울

             <마주서다> 소다미술관, 화성

             <낯, 가리다> 성남아트센터 큐브미술관 반달갤러리, 성남

             <얼굴로부터> 위켄드, 서울

             <h/er> 이윤성, 유현경 2인전, 리각 미술관, 천안

2017    <프롤로그 2017> 메이크샵아트스페이스, 파주

2016    <회화적, 비회화적> 제니조, 유현경 2인전, 갤러리 기체, 서울

2015    <차가운 진실 – 보이는 것들의 이면> 조선대학교 백학 미술관, 광주

             <육감> OCI미술관, 서울

2014    <구경꾼들> 두산 갤러리, 서울

2013    <인물 파노라마> 전북도립미술관, 완주

             <젊은 모색 2013> 국립현대미술관, 과천

2012    <우먼 앤 바디> 한전아트센터 갤러리, 서울

2011    <한 획> 학고재 갤러리, 서울

2010    <HUE&DEEP> 서울대학교 우석홀, 서울

             <야생사고> 아트지오 갤러리, 서울

             <직관> 학고재 갤러리, 서울·

             <수상한 전> 일현미술관 기획, 강남 을지병원, 서울

             <서교육십: 상상의 아카이브-120개의 시선> KT&G 상상마당, 서울

2009    <동방의 요괴들> 두산 갤러리, 서울

             <일현 트래블 그랜트> 학생 예술가 지원 프로젝트, 일현 미술관, 양양

             <[!] 느낌표> 동방의 요괴들 지역 순회전, 계원디자인 예술대학 갤러리 27, 의왕

             <소수정예주의> 갤러리 영, 서울 

             <우수졸업작품전> 동덕아트갤러리, 서울

2008    <미끄러진 색들> 신한갤러리, 서울


2018    메이크샵 아트스페이스, 파주 

2016    두산 레지던시, 뉴욕, 미국

2014    로테 파브릭, 취리히, 스위스

2011    슐로스 플뤼쇼브, 플뤼쇼브, 독일 



2019    제 8회 종근당 예술지상

2009    하동철 장학금


Hyeonkyeong You, Jaehee Lee 3, 2022, Oil on canvas, 57x57cm

10/20      10/23


Asia NOW Paris Art Fair 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟮

Hyeonkyeong You⠀

Exhibition Period : October 20-23, 2022

전시 기간 : 2022년 10월 20일 - 23일

Presenting Artist | Hyeonkyeong You⠀

참여작가 : 유현경

Exhibition location:  Monnaie de Paris
11 Quai de Conti, 75006 Paris

장소:파리, 프랑스 

Contact: Exhibition Planning Office 02-6203-2015 

전시문의 02 6203 2015


Thursday, 20 October
VIP Preview (by invitation only):  2 pm - 8 pm  
Friday, 21 October & Saturday 22 October
VIP Preview:  10 am - 11 am
Public Opening: 11 am - 8 pm
Sunday, 23 October
VIP Preview:  10 am - 11 am
Public Opening: 11 am - 6 pm
For an exhibition by Hyeonkyeong You inquiries please contact
Tel +82 2 6203 2015
Kakao Channel : 2gil29gallery


In October, as known as Paris Art Week, numerous events are happening that can help gauge the flow of contemporary art around the world. Asia NOW, the only art fair in Europe, focusing on Asian contemporary art and introducing it to the world, will be held in Paris, France from October 20th to 23rd. As a geographical location, Paris is a great opportunity for Europeans to face Asian art directly, not like other Europe or Africa. Asia NOW also selects young and experimental works, moreover, introduces them to European collectors and the public among galleries in Asian countries such as Korea, Japan, and China. This year, 2GIL29 GALLERY is participating, as booth number R08 with Hyeonkyeong You, who has just finished her solo exhibition and hopes to meet many art lovers in Europe. If you are visiting Paris, please come and say hi to us at booth R08, look forward to seeing you there! Thank you.

Artist Biography
Hyeonkyeong You(B. 1985), after graduating from Seoul National University for both bachelor’s and master’s degree, was selected as a resident artist in Schloss Plüschow, Germany (2011), Rote Fabrik, Switzerland (2014), and Doosan residency in New York (2016). As one of the 20 2030 Power Leaders selected by Forbes Korea in 2022 and an award winner of the 8th Jonggeun dang Art award in 2019, Hyeonkyeong You is currently living in Berlin building her career. By looking at her artworks, one could tell that her perspective does not end by looking at the object. She especially focuses on the complicated emotions that occur while facing the models and quickly depicts the surroundings, temperature of the room, and outlook of the relationship with her signature brushstrokes. Through this, the artist's fundamental and pure energy was shown in the work by maximizing visual tremor, emotional immersion, and thought, which formed an art world that only Hyeonkyeong You had. Art critic, E Jung Ban described recent works as unfinished-looking brushstrokes, a bold large portion of blank on the canvas, scenes with a lack of stories, and first impressions reminding oriental paintings by large brush works, long titles does not connect to the piece, or exhibition titles are the differences from other typical fine arts. The uniqueness of her artworks is evolving overtime, and is creating her own world of art. She is planning on having an exhibition in Paris in late October.

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